How do I access a government subsidised package?

If you’ve decided that you would like to get a Home Care Package, the first step is to arrange an assessment.

ACAT assessments
Home Care Package assessments are done by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), or ACAS in Victoria. An ACAT professional visits you in your home to find out about your needs. They assess whether you are eligible for a Home Care Package (or other assistance) and what level of help you will need. ACAT’s can also provide approval for Residential Respite and Permanent Residential Care

ACAT assessments are free.

Arranging an assessment
To arrange an ACAT assessment, call My Aged Care on 1800 200 222. You can ask for an interpreter if you need one.

Before you call, have your Medicare card ready and the contact details of your doctor and a family member. You may also like to prepare by writing down a few things that are starting to be challenging for you.

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For More information
Call 03 9429 5380 or Mobile 0400 640 379